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报告题目:FRP-bar Reinforced Concrete Structures

报告嘉宾:Dr.Federico Accornero(意大利都灵理工大学)

报告时间:2021年12月10日(周五) 15:00

报告地点:ID: 148511874 (Webex Meeting Room线上会议室)


In the design of glass fiber-reinforced polymer bar (GFRP-bar) reinforced concrete (RC) structures, a correct understanding of structural effects induced by the reinforcement, slenderness and scale can promote an effective development of innovative standard guidelines. In the seminar, the transition between the tensile cracking and compression crushing failures occurring in GFRP-bar RC beams will be described together with their structural ductility, which is represented by the plastic rotation capacity of the elements subjected to bending.


Federico Accornero received his PhD in Structural Engineering at Politecnico di Torino-Italy in 2014. Before that, he studied at Politecnico di Torino-Italy and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris-France. His main research interests are: Fracture Mechanics, GFRP-bar Reinforced and Fiber-reinforced Concrete Structures, Masonry Arch Bridges, Acoustic Emission Testing. Several of his researches have been published in international peer-reviewed journals, including ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, ACI Structural Journal, Cement and Concrete Composites, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Magazine of Concrete Research, FIB Structural Concrete, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Construction and Building Materials.




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