1.Faculty Positions (multiple positions and all ranks)

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Shantou University is seeking applicants at the assistant/associate/professor level. The areas of focus for the department are (but not limited to);
  i) Neurorehabilitation
 ii) Wearable and implantable technology
iii) Cancer disgnosis and phototherapy
 iv) Medical signal processing and data analysis
  v) Medical materials
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering, electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, or a related discipline and demonstrate excellent potential to build an independent research program at the forefront of their field, as well as potential to educate and mentor students. New faculty are sought to build a strong research program in the Department of Biomedical Engineering working in collaboration with the Shantou University Medical College and local and national hospitals and research centers. The goal is preeminence in biomedical engineering research combined with extraordinary impact on healthcare delivery and community engagement for improving outcomes that are patient-centered and wellness-focused. The successful candidate will conduct original research, advise graduate students, teach undergraduate level courses, and perform services both at the College and University levels.

This position is offered as a full-time basis with an initial period of 3 years which can be renewed thereafter. An international competitive salary and relocation fee will be provided. Heavily discounted accommodation and health insurance will also be provided. 

Minimum qualification
Hold a PhD degree in relevant field.
Demonstrate strong communcation, teaching and research skills in English
A strong commitment to teaching undergraduate and supervising postgraduate students.

The department of Biomedical Engineering at Shantou University was established in 2018 with the generous support from the Li Ka Shing foundation, in partnership with the University of Michigan and is the only program in China that offers an all English undergraduate Biomedical Engineering curriculum. 

Please provide your CV, cover letter, research and teaching plans and names of three references.
Review of applications will begin in Oct 2019 and will continue until positions are filled. A background check will be required for employment in this position.

salary: CNY300,000 (lecturer) to CNY 800,000 (distinguished professor) depending on experience and track record.
posted: 2019 Oct 12

2.Post-doctoral Researchers (multiple positions)

The Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shantou University is currently seeking postdoctoral researchers to conduct research in the following areas;
  i) Neurorehabilitation
 ii) Wearable and implantable technology
iii) Cancer diagnosis and phototherapy
 iv) Medical signal processing and data analysis
  v) Medical materials
The candidate will be working in a highly supportive environment with generous research funding together with researchers from the Shantou University and clinicians from the Shantou University Medical College. We are currently collaborating with international researchers from RMIT University and the University of Michigan. There will be opportunity to work at RMIT University or the University of Michigan.

Minimum qualification
PhD in relevant field (e.g. biomedical engineering, neuroscience, neuroengineering, physics) that was awarded no more than 3 years ago
Demonstrated experience in electronics and instrumentation design 

This position is offered as a full-time fixed-term basis for 2 or 3 years. An international competitive salary and relocation fee will be provided. Heavily discounted accommodation and health insurance will also be provided.

The department of Biomedical Engineering at Shantou University was established in 2018 with the generous support from the Li Ka Shing foundation, in partnership with the University of Michigan and is the only program in China that offers an all English undergraduate Biomedical Engineering curriculum. 

salary: CNY300,000 to 400,000
posted: 2019 Oct 22

3.PhD Scholarships

The Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shantou University is currently seeking PhD students to conduct research in the following research areas;
  i) Neurorehabilitation
 ii) Wearable and implantable technology
iii) Cancer diagnosis and phototherapy
 iv) Medical signal processing
  v) Medical big data analysis

The candidate will be working in a highly supportive environment with generous research funding together with researchers from the Shantou University and clinicians from the Shantou University Medical College. We are currently collaborating with international researchers from RMIT University and the University of Michigan.

Minimum requirement
IELTS score of 6.0 or above for each band. 

The department of Biomedical Engineering at Shantou University was established in 2018 with the generous support from the Li Ka Shing foundation, in partnership with the University of Michigan and is the only program in China that offers an all English undergraduate Biomedical Engineering curriculum. 

Further Information

For further recruitment information, such as salary and benefits package, please click the link: 

Job we can see at STU

Interested individuals for either faculty or postdoc positions should provide an updated CV with a cover letter outlining his or her research background, all professional qualifications, a research plan, and three reference letters written by prestigious academic scholars at home and abroad.

Contact Us

Please send email with the title "STUBME job application" to :

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Shu Hong


1. Recruitment Information about STUBME

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