
Biomedical engineering is an interdisciplinary field based on clinical medicine, biotechnology, information technology, mechanical engineering, computer science and material science. It is a leading engineering field that directly supports the medical equipment industry and the development of medical health industry. Biomedical engineering plays an important role in developing high-end medical equipment and meeting the growing demand for health care services. 


The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Shantou University is supported by the Li Ka-shing foundation. It is based on the cooperation with the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Michigan. The Department in Shantou University will start with a first cohort of students in 2018. All the students enrolled will have the opportunity to receive scholarships. Lessons will be conducted entirely in English. 


The Department of Biomedical Engineering in Shantou will focus on the research and development of advanced medical instruments, neural rehabilitation engineering, biomaterials and mechanics, and medical informatics. 

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