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医工系学术沙龙(BME Seminar)


Time: 15:00-16:00 on Thursday, October 14

地点:生物医学工程系讨论室(新行政楼Block A 3楼,即原教工廊)

Location: Meeting room of BME at third floor of Block A

报告人:Shalumon博士(Mahatma Gandhi University)

Speaker:Dr. Shalumon

题目:Biodegradable Polymers: Hidden Germ in Biomedical Engineering


A biomaterial is defined as any natural or synthetic substance engineered to interact with biological systems to direct medical treatment. Utilization of polymers or biomaterials has greatly impacted the advancement of modern medicine. Biodegradable polymeric biomaterials provide significant advantage of being able to be broken down and removed after they have served their function in the body. In order to fit functional demand, materials with desired physical, chemical, biological, biomechanical and degradation properties must be selected. Fortunately, a wide range of natural and synthetic degradable polymers has been investigated for biomedical applications with novel materials constantly being developed to meet new challenges. This presentation specifically highlights the use of biodegradable polymers as biomaterials, more towards tissue engineering aspects.


Dr. Shalumon is currently an assistant professor at Dept. of Chemistry, Sacred heart College (Autonomous), Kochi, Kerala, India, he’s also a Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellow (2020-2025), (Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)

Prior to these appointments, he was a Visiting Scientist at ACNS, Amritavishwavidyapeetham, India (2016-2018) and at University of Dueisburg-Essen, Germany(2018-2019), listed as one of the best 200 scientists in Kerala (2021). His current research interests include nano-biomaterials, regenerative engineering, biomedical polymers, bioceramics, medical devices, polymer processing and developments. Dr. Shalumon has published over 50 papers including book chapters, journal articles. He is the winner of the 2014 IET Premium (Best Paper) Award.

Shalumon博士现任圣雄甘地大学化学系(卡拉拉邦)的助理教授。他也是印度政府生物科技部门的Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellow(2020-2025).在这些任命之前,他是印度Amritavishwavidyapeetham ACNS的访问科学家(2016-2018年)和德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学(2018-2019年)的访问科学家,被列为卡拉拉邦(2021年)最好的200名科学家之一。他目前的研究兴趣包括纳米生物材料,重策划,生物医学聚合物,生物陶瓷,医疗设备,聚合物加工和发展。Shalumon博士发表了50多篇论文,包括书籍章节和期刊文章。他也是2014年IET Premium(最佳论文)奖的得主。



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