Academic Advisor

Zhanqin Huang

Professor,Program coordinator(Medical College)


Cardiovascular pharmacology


Prof. Zhanqin Huang, graduated with Ph. D. in pharmacology at Shantou University in 2005. He was promoted to Professor of Pharmacy in 2013 and serves as postgraduate student supervisor. He was visiting scholar at the University of California, San Francisco and University of Manitoba, Canada. He is currently program coordinator (Medical) of Biomedical Engineering, Shantou University.  

Prof. Huang has a strong theoretical background and rich practical experience in education concept and theory, educational methods and strategies, curriculum design, education evaluation, and teachers' development and training. He leads a comprehensive reform project on education system in Guangdong Province, one key project of teaching reform for undergraduate higher education in Guangdong Province, and three teaching reform projects at Shantou University Medical College (SUMC). He has supervised college students who received 2 national innovation and entrepreneurship awards. Prof. Huan was awarded the Guangdong Education and Teaching Achievement award (Higher Education) in 2015. In 2016, he received the first prize for the Shantou University Medical School teaching achievement award. In 2018, he was awarded the first prize in Education and Teaching Achievement award of Guangdong Province. In April 2013, he won first prize in the inaugural Young Teacher award at the Shantou University Medical School. In the same year, Prof. Huang represented SUMC to win the second prize in the 3rd national higher medical school young teachers' award. In recent years, he published widely in APMEC (2014, Singapore), AMEE (2016, Spain), AMEE (2017, Finland), CUMEC (2018, Hongkong), AMEE (2018, Switzerland).

Prof. Huang is mainly engaged in the basic cardiovascular pharmacological research and new drug research and development. His interests are: (1) ion channel and cardiac electrophysiology; (2) molecular mechanism of myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury; (3) signal pathway of vascular smooth muscle proliferation; and (4) myocardial hypertrophy and its molecular regulation mechanism. He lead a National Natural Science Foundation project (No. 30901810), a National Natural Science Foundation International (region) cooperation and exchange project (No. 81210108006), two Guangdong Natural Science Foundation projects (No. 07300864, No. 9151503102000013), one Guangdong Provincial Department of Health (B2007120), and two Shantou city science and technology projects. In 2004, he won the first prize for Shantou science and technology progress award. In 2007, he won the second prize for Guangdong provincial science and technology award. He published 25 papers and 4 articles in SCI.


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