
John Q. Fang

Professor, Department Chair



Medical signal processing, Wearable and implantable technologies, Neural rehabilitation engineering, Mobile healthcare, and Medical informatics.


Professor Qiang Fang (John) joined Shantou University in 2017 as the founding chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. His primary research interests include medical signal processing, wearable and implantable technologies, neural rehabilitation engineering, mobile healthcare, and medical informatics.

Dr. Fang obtained his B Sc. in physics from Tsinghua University, Beijing and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Monash University, Melbourne in 1991 and 2000 respectively. Starting in 2002, he held a tenured position at the University of Melbourne, Australia, where he served as the principal investigator, discipline leader, and acting department chair, among other roles and responsibilities.

Dr. Fang Qiang has served as a research professor as well as the director of the medical electronics department within the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has supervised a total of 10 doctoral students and over 50 master's students. He has secured research funding totaling over 3 million USD from both domestic and international sources. Additionally, he has authored chapters in four academic monographs, published over 60 journal articles as first author or corresponding author (including 50+ SCI papers), presented more than 70 peer-reviewed conference papers (EI indexed), and holds multiple patents in China. He has also served as a reviewer and guest editor for several SCI journals and is one of the associate editors for "Biomedical Engineering Education," published by the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) in the United States in collaboration with Springer.

Prof. Fang has served as an academic advisor for the Second Hospital of Jiaxing. He has been given the title of "Outstanding Scholar of Australia" by Austrade in 2013 and 2015 to promote the tertiary education in multiple Asian countries. 

Professor Fang welcomes collaboration with colleagues and students and encourages them to reach out to him for research opportunities.


E-mail: qiangfang@stu.edu.cn


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