Event Notice

BME Seminar——Deep-tissue optical imaging, focusing, and stimulation


Topic:  Deep-tissue optical imaging, focusing, and stimulation

SpeakerAssociate Professor Puxiang Lai

Abstract:  The usage of light has considerably reshaped the landscape of biomedicine in the past decades from imaging, sensing, treatment, stimulation, to control. The applications, however, are limited to superficial layers beneath sample surface or compromised resolution at depths due to the inherent nature of strong optical scattering in tis-sue. Many approaches have been proposed to tackle this challenge, such as switching to longer wavelengths to have lower tissue scattering coefficients, converting diffused light into not-so-scattered sound at the signal detection side, etc. In this talk, we will focus on wavefront shaping, a strategy of suppressing scattering by pre-compensating for the scattering-induced phase distortions, and photoacoustic imaging, a strategy of suppressing scattering at the side of signal detection. We will present the basics of working principle and our continuing endeavors in these directions. Challenges and roadmaps towards real deep-tissue applications will also be discussed.

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