Outdoor development of Biomedical Engineering Department ——clambing Wanfeng mountain


   From December 4 to 5, 2021, the first outdoor expansion activity "walking Wanfeng mountain and challenging Fengniao bun" of the Department of 

biomedical engineering of Shantou University was successfully completed. The objects of the activity were mainly medical and engineering undergraduate students in grade 2, 3 and 4 of the Department.
   The purpose of this activity is to let the students of our department enter, experience and adapt to nature, and enhance their understanding of nature through

 personal field experience of outdoor activities, so as to cultivate certain field survival skills and enhance their awareness of loving and protecting nature.

   On the way up the mountain, the front and back of the team encouraged each other to refuel, and laughter echoed in the mountains, leaving all kinds of feelings in their 

hearts. The students' principle of safety first, the spirit of unity and cooperation and the enthusiasm of helping each other support the core framework of the whole outdoor expansion activities.

    On the afternoon of the first day, after everyone arrived at the campsite with an altitude of more than 1400 meters, some students continued to attack the Fengniao 

bun on the top of the mountain, while some students stayed in the camp set up a canopy for everyone, set up a tent and prepare for the group dinner

At night, the students sat around the Phoenix bun on the main peak and enjoyed the little bits and feelings of the day in the quiet scenery full of stars. The height of 

Shanghai mountain is more than 1400 meters, and the signal is extremely weak,
Everyone put down their mobile phones, threw away their troubles and spoke freely. They were very happy. On the same day, it coincided with the birthday of a classmate

 of grade 19. Everyone sang a birthday song for her and gave her blessings.

When we left, we packed all the garbage and waste water properly for two days and one night. The mountain and water are still in place, 

watching the neatly arranged "mountaineering bags" step away with firm steps.

I would like to thank the snow leopard outdoor team of Shantou University for their strong support and wish you all a fruitful trip. No matter how steep the road is,

 the surrounding scenery always has different beauty.
As long as we keep walking, we will always be on the road!

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