
The Joint Laboratory of Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation Technology


The Joint Laboratory of neural engineering and rehabilitation technology of Shantou University is aimed at the nervous system diseases, including stroke, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, etc., combined with clinical medicine, implantable chip and brain computer interface technology, to study the relationship between brain structure and function, as well as the mechanism of nervous system diseases and injuries, develop relevant diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation technology, and carry out clinical research The technology transformation and application of bed.

Professor Fang Qiang, who is in charge of the laboratory, joined Shantou University in 2017 and became the director of the Department of biomedical engineering of Shantou University. His main research interests include medical signal processing, wearable and implant technology, and neural rehabilitation engineering. Professor Fang Qiang obtained a doctor's degree in biomedical engineering from Monash University in 2000. He has been a permanent professor of the University of Royal Melbourne since 2002. He has been a member of the 100 person program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Class A) and served as the director of the research office and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has tutored dozens of postdoctoral, doctoral and master's students. He has obtained a lot of research funds at home and abroad He has published four chapters of academic monographs, more than 40 journal papers and more than 70 peer-reviewed conference papers, and served as deputy editor and guest editor of many journals.

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