Introduction to Graduate Enrollment in Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shantou University, 2019


Introduction to Graduate Enrollment in Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shantou University, 2019

About the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shantou University:


The Department of Biomedical Engineering of Shantou University was established in 2018. It relies on the College of Technology and Medical College of Shantou University and cooperates with the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the University of Michigan. It also receives strong support from the Li Jiacheng Foundation. The research field of Shantou Biomedical Engineering Department will focus on the research and development of advanced medical instruments, neurorehabilitation engineering, medical ultrasound technology, medical signal and data analysis and other fields.

Shantou Medical Graduate Students will be awarded:

  • Adequate funding for scientific research
  • Beneficiary opportunities for outgoing exchanges
  • Opportunities to cooperate with famous universities abroad and industry leaders in China 
  • Wide prospects for further education
  • Team mentoring consisting of several international scholars who have been active in the medical field for many years

New research Project:

Research Project 1
 Advanced Microimplants for Medical Applications
Microimplants are capable of diagnostic, therapeutic and possibly surgical functions inside the body. Currently, microimplants such as pill cameras, cochlear prostheses and pacemakers are available. We are interested in developing more advanced microimplants that work inside the body for an extended period which require wireless operation, biocompatibility and mobility.

Research Project 2
Brain-computer Interface for Medical Rehabilitation
Brain-computer interface (BCI) communicate directly with the brain and allow users to manipulate external devices like robotic limbs and digital input devices such as touchscreens by using their thoughts. We are interested in developing novel BCIs for medical uses to diagnose, treat and cure neurological and mental diseases by using a combination of innovative hardware and intelligent software solutions.

Research Project3
Investigating novel biomaterial interactions for organ-on-a-chip technology development
Organ-on-a-chip technology is a fast-growing field that seeks to recapitulate the structure and function of tissues, organs, and even organ systems, on a single microfluidic-based chip, allowing for tight control of experimental conditions and a rich medium for scientific discovery of disease pathways and treatment strategies. With our work, we will develop flexible electronic systems to probe some of the electrical and mechanical cues that impact cell-cell, ECM-cell, and other material interactions. This work will serve the organ-on-a-chip community of researchers in developing improved systems for mimicking tissues and organ systems of interest. Particularly, we will focus on skeletal and smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells, and implantable brain-computer interface technologies.

Research Project4
Modeling the effects of amyloid-beta and alpha-synuclein in neurodegenerative diseases
Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, have many shared or similar pathologies. The presence of amyloid-beta in both vascular and neural tissue associated with Alzheimer’s sufferers and in the Lewy bodies of Parkinson’s disease makes it a prime target for treatment. To investigate these pathologies, we will incorporate organ-on-a-chip techniques and develop 3-D culture environments with embedded “soft” electronics to mimic the complex milieu of the brain. We will model the impacts on cell morphology, mechanical function, and gene regulation with the goal of further understanding the role of amyloid-beta and alpha-synuclein in the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

Contact us: 

Students majoring in electronic information, computer, electromechanical engineering, software engineering and biomedical engineering are welcome to apply for the examination. For more information, please consult We are happy to discuss the topic and the choice of mentors with you.

For more information, Please send the Email to

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