Hey, do you have a plan for college study?


★First class begins★

In September, the first batch of students majoring in biomedical engineering of Shantou University welcomed. Congratulations to you on your new step in life!Since we stepped into the university gate yesterday, "College Entrance Examination" has become the past, because we are standing at a new starting point!

What did the first class meeting talk about?

met with my classmates and teachers who will make progress side by side in the next four years.

The mood must be both nervous and exciting.

In order to enhance freshmen's understanding of specialty and promote communication between teachers and students, our department held a meeting and professional introduction meeting for freshmen of grade 2018 on the afternoon of September 4, 2018.

Professor Fang Qiang, head of the department,introduced the concept, origin and development of biomedical engineering, and the characteristics of biomedical engineering major of Shantou University.Professor Fang also shared his own experience on the four-year university planning of his classmates.

“You are what you read”, “Stay hungry, Stay foolish”

At the end of Professor Fang's introduction, he recommended ten bestsellers to the students. Students were encouraged to think and learning simultaneously. Taking more active in outdoor activities, so as to broaden their horizen.

Dr. Eric, an expatriate teacher at the University of Michigan, will be responsible for introductory teaching of Biomedical Engineering for students in the first semester. In the course of the introduction, he gave more understanding to students about the University of Michigan in the United States.

In terms of curriculum content, he will use the teaching system of the University of Michigan in the United States and adjust it, so as to more adaptable for students of the Medical Engineering Department of Shantou University.

Professor David, who is in charge of calculus teaching, emphasizes that calculus as a basic subject has a great and important impact on the whole teaching curriculum system. Students should pay attention to Calculus Learning in order to lay a good foundation for the subject.

Professor Guihang, a specially appointed professor of Medical College of Shantou University and senior consultant of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, introduced introductory course of innovative thinking from the perspective of actual medical needs in order to encourage students to cultivate innovative thinking in their study and life.Professor Gui suggested that there would be a big difference between college and high school. He suggested that freshmen should "forget the past and start afresh".

A new learning journey is about to begin

Are you ready?

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